Famous Canadians from the Prairies
Have you ever wondered what makes someone famous? Do you know any famous people? People and things become famous when a lot of people know about them. There are many reasons people become famous. For example, maybe they are the first person to accomplish a daring or difficult thing; or they might create something entirely new that changes everything; some inspire others by how they overcome hardship to make a difference.
But how do they do it?
Really famous people tend to make themselves stand out by doing some of the following things:
1. They are extremely good at a particular skill – way better than most people.
2. They are good at getting their message across – people listen to them.
3. They go above and beyond to perfect their skills – they really want to be the best and work at it.
4. They expect to fail sometimes and just keep going – they persevere.
5. They hold themselves to a high standard – they let their standards guide them in all the ways they behave.
6. They take good care of themselves so they can always do their best.