- Crayola Oil Pastels - 16 Count
- Crayola Black Construction Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Crayola Sketchbooks - 1 per student
- Pencils
- Erasers

- Use your sketchbook to record information and test ideas for drawing your bird.
- glue a picture of the bird into your sketchbook
- make a sketch of the bird
- glue a small piece of black paper into your book and use it to experiment with ways to blend and match colours using the oil pastels

- Use a pencil to lightly draw the composition on the black construction paper.
- Refer to your sketch and make sure the composition fills the page.

- Refer to your sketchbook notes and pictures.
- Try to match the colours of the bird by blending different colours.
- Use a tissue to clean the tip of the oil pastel if it gets another colour on it.
- Make short strokes to create texture.

- Add shadows with black and highlights with white.
- Once the drawing is finished, hold it up and look at it with fresh eyes.
- Check to see if you need to add more shadows, highlights or colours.
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8