POLYHEDRA PUPPET – Geometric Solids, Texture

Students create a Model Magic puppet with a mouth that opens and closes using 2 solid figures they have created with their own nets as a base.

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POLYHEDRA PUPPET – Geometric Solids, Texture


  • Crayola Model Magic Classpack - Assorted Colours
  • Crayola Scissors
  • Crayola Washable No-Run School Glue
  • Crayola Sketchbooks - 22 cm x 22 cm (9" x 9")
  • Bristol Board
  • Duct Tape
  • Pencils
  • Rulers


Step 1
  1. Make 4 thumbnail sketches of different designs for your puppet.
  2. Make sure your design uses at least 2 geometric solids.
  3. Choose the design you like best or combine ideas to make a new one.

Step 2
  1. Make at least 2 nets to use for the puppet head.
  2. Plan how to combine them so the mouth will open and close.
Step 3
  1. Cut out your nets and glue them together.
  2. Join the two nets using strong tape such as duct tape.
  3. Make sure the mouth will open and close.
Step 4
  1. Use glue to attach a thin layer of Model Magic to the surface of the net.
  2. Allow it to dry for at least a day.
Step 5
  1. Although Model Magic sticks to itself it is a good idea to use glue to attach the new pieces of Model Magic for this project.
  2. As you add more Model Magic to the puppet head think about colour and texture.
  3. Mix primary colours to get new colours.
  4. Use a garlic press and other tools to create texture.
Step 6
  1. Allow the puppet head to dry for 3 days.
  2. Once it is dry, you may want to give it a coat of acrylic varnish to make it stronger and give it a shiny finish.
Illustrated Crayon Character