- Crayola Acrylic Paint
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Permanent Markers
- Crayola Glue Sticks
- Vinyl - 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm (12" x 12") - 1 per student
- Water Containers
- Plastic Container Lids for Palettes
- Paper Towels
- White Bristol Board - 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm - 1 per student

- Draw your picture with permanent markers.
- Add lots of details.
- Let the details tell the story.

- Place the vinyl with the marker side down.
- Use acrylic paint on the back of the vinyl to add colour.
- Paint the shapes you have drawn with lots of different colours.
- Mix colours together to make new colours, for example:
- add white to any colour to make it lighter
- add blue to yellow to make green
- add red to blue to make purple
- add yellow to red to make orange
- add white to orange to make peach

- Fill your picture with lots of colours.

- Turn the vinyl over to see your finished picture.
- Place it on a piece of white Bristol board.
- Glue the edges to keep it in place.
- use your picture to tell your story, for example:
It was a rainy day. Then the sun came out.
The Easter bunny hid lots of eggs.
I found the eggs in the tall grass.
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3