PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE ME – Never-Ending CardStudents create a small never-ending card that shows them at three stages of life – the past when they were a baby, the present, and the future, when they will be an adult. They practice folding the card smoothly through the 3 images and then use it for storytelling.
Students create a small never-ending card that shows them at three stages of life – the past when they were a baby, the present, and the future, when they will be an adult. They practice folding the card smoothly through the 3 images and then use it for storytelling.

- Crayola Coloured Pencils
- Crayola Fine Line Markers
- Crayola Crayons
- Rulers
- Cardstock Paper - 11 cm x 14 cm (4.25" x 5.5")
- Box Cutter - Teacher Use

Draw an 'X' from one corner of the paper to the other.

- Fold all 4 sides of the paper into the centre of the 'X'.
- Make sure the outer edges of each side of the paper line up with the centre of the 'X'.

- Turn the paper over so the 'X' is facing down.
- Draw picture #1 on the side that does NOT have the 'X' on it.
- Use lots of colour and pattern to fill in the whole space.
- This drawing should be of you as a baby.

- Turn the paper over so the drawing is facing down.
- Place it on a cutting board and make sure the 'X' is facing up.
- Use a box cutter and a ruler to cut along the 'X' that is inside the small rectangle formed by the 4 folds.

- Hold the card with the picture facing you.
- Gently fold the top edge down towards you. Be sure the little cut triangle pops up.
- Fold the bottom edge up towards you. Be sure the little cut triangle pops down.
- Flatten the paper and draw on this new space.
- This picture should be of you as you are now.
- Add details that tell something about you.

- Hold the card with the new picture facing you.
- Fold the side flaps into the centre.
- Make sure the little triangles pop out to the side.
- Flatten this space.
- Colour your last picture in this new space.
- This picture should be of you in the future.
- Notice how the top and bottom of picture number 2 and picture number 3 are the same.

- Practice moving smoothly from one picture to the next.
- Begin by doing it with the card facing you.
- Once you are good at that, practice with the card facing an audience.
- Repeat the folds over and over again while you tell a short story to go along with the changes.
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8