- Crayola White Glue
- Crayola Scissors
- Crayola Broad Line Markers
- Crayola Coloured Glue
- Crayola Glitter Glue
- Crayola Scissors
- Crayola Crayons
- Toothpicks
- Foam Sticks
- Corks
- Styrofoam Packaging Materials
- Wooden Stir Sticks
- Pipe Cleaners
- Beads

- Choose a Styrofoam shape for the main part of your buddy sculpture.
- Draw on it using markers and crayons.
- Think of all the things you can use to make your buddy interesting.

- Wrap a pipe cleaner around a pencil or the handle of a paint brush.
- Pull it off gently so it stays curled.
- Stick the twisted pipe cleaner into the Styrofoam.

- Paint coloured glue on parts of the shape.

- Stick a toothpick into the Styrofoam.
- Add some beads.
- Place a drop of glue on top of the last bead to hold it in place.

- Gently insert a toothpick into the end of a foam stick.
- Leave about half the toothpick sticking out.
- Insert the toothpick into the Styrofoam.

- Join other objects to the Styrofoam using toothpicks and glue.
- Keep adding details to make every part of your buddy sculpture interesting.
- Give your buddy sculpture a name.
- Look at your buddy sculpture from all sides.
- What kinds of shapes do you see?
- What kind of energy do you feel from the details in your sculpture?
- What do you see that makes you say that?
- What do you like the best about this sculpture? Why?
- Who would love this sculpture? Why? - Find shape words in the classroom.
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3