- Model Magic - Assorted Colours
- Crayola Washable No-Run School Glue
- Crayola Scissors
- Bristol Board or Cardboard - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12") - 1 per student

- Roll 5 small balls of WHITE Model Magic.
- Make them all the same size - about the size of a small plum.
- Roll 1 ball of BLUE Model Magic the same size as the white balls.
- Roll 10 very small balls of BLUE Model Magic about the size of a large blueberry.

- Mix 4 balls of different values of blue Model Magic.
- Start by adding 1 blue ball to 1 white ball.
- Add an extra ball of blue to each new white ball.
1 white + 1 blue
1 white + 2 blue
1 white + 3 blue
1 white + 4 blue

- Flatten the balls with the palm of your hand.
- Arrange them in a row from lightest to darkest.

- Use your disks to make a MONOCHROMATIC creature.
- You can cut shapes using scissors or squeeze the Model Magic into shapes using your fingers.
- Press the Model Magic onto the surface of your cardboard to make it stick.
- You may need to glue it down with Crayola school glue to make sure it is secure.

- View your work with fresh eyes.
- What do you like best about it? Why?
Language Arts,
Visual Arts
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3