- Crayola Model Magic - Assorted Colours
- Crayola Scissors
- Geometric Shape Tracers
- Garlic Presses
- Toothpicks
- Mat Board or Masonite Board - 15 cm x 15 cm (6" x 6") - 1 per student

- Think of 3 challenges for each element and fill out the Challenges Form. (Downloads - ChallengesForm.pdf)
- Trace shapes onto the board to create a non-objective design.
- Overlap some of the shapes to create new shapes.

- Use Model Magic to fill in each of the shapes to complete your challenges.
- Repeat colours, textures, and lines to move the eye through the composition.
- Use contrast to make the shapes stand out.
- As you work remember to check to see if you are meeting all of your challenges.

- Explain how you met the challenges in your design.

- Allow the design to dry for 2 days.
- View your design with fresh eyes.
- What do you like best about it? Why?
- What areas draw your attention the most? Why?
- How does your eye move through the composition? Why?
Language Arts,
Visual Arts
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8