- Crayola Fine Line Markers
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Sketchbooks - 1 per student
- Pencils

- View an image from the Codex Canadensis by Louis Nicolas.
- Describe what you see.
- written words
- repeated lines
- lots of patterns
- scratchy looking
- realistic but also imaginary (whiskers on owl)
- drawn with ink
- different kinds of lines - thin, thick, zigzag
- lines close together to show dark spaces and far apart to show light areas
- several animals on one page

- Choose the Canadian animal you want to draw.
- Find a photo of the animal to use as your source.
- Draw your animal in your sketchbook using a similar style to that in the Codex.

- Use your sketchbook drawing and the photo to draw your good copy.
- Make sure the image fills the page.
- Start with pencil to make a light outline of the main shapes.
- Add the lines and patterns with brown fine line marker.

- Add written information about your animal the way Louis Nicolas did.
- View your work with fresh eyes.
- Ask yourself:
- Does it have lots of different kinds of lines?
- Are the lines repeated to make a pattern?
- Does it look realistic and a little imaginary?
- Does it look similar to the style of Louis Nicolas in the Codex Canadensis?
Language Arts,
Social Studies,
Visual Arts
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8