COSTUME DESIGN – Proportion, Colour, DetailStudents work with watercolour pencils to design and illustrate a costume for an imaginary Cirque de Soleil performance.
Students work with watercolour pencils to design and illustrate a costume for an imaginary Cirque de Soleil performance.

- Crayola Marker &Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Crayola Watercolour Pencils
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Scissors
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Water Containers
- Paper Towels
- Pipe Cleaners
- Hole Punch - ⅛" hole
- Cardstock Paper - 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm (8.5" x 11")

- Cut out all the pieces of the mannequin pattern. (Downloads - Mannequin_Pattern.pdf)
- Punch small holes where the joints should be.
- Cut small pieces of pipe cleaner to use for fasteners.
- Place one piece of the mannequin on top of the other where it will be joined.
- Line up the holes and push the pipe cleaner through.

- Place the mannequin flat on the desk so the edges of the 2 pieces almost touch each other.

- Bend the ends of the pipe cleaner into the middle.
- Flatten them so they close like a staple.

- Place the mannequin on the desk.
- Experiment with poses.
- All the parts should bend easily at the joints.
- Place your mannequin on the drawing paper in the pose you like best.
- Lightly trace around the edges with pencil.

- Draw your design over the mannequin outline.
- Use watercolour pencils to colour the design.
- Paint over the pencil with a small amount of water to get watercolour effects.

- Fill in the background.
- Use a wet paintbrush to pick up colour from the tip of the watercolour pencil.
- Paint with the liquid colour.

- Paint shadows along the outer edges of the figure to make it seem more 3-dimensional.

- Place your design at a distance and view it with fresh eyes.
- What is your first impression?
- What grabs your attention?
- What message does your design communicate?
- What do you like best about your work?
Language Arts,
Social Studies,
Visual Arts
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8