- Crayola Watercolour Paints
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Crayola Fine Line Markers - black
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Water Containers
- Paper Towels
- Table Salt

- Find images of city settings to use as inspiration for your work.
- Make a plan drawing of your city setting.
- Remember to include details in your drawing that fit with your story.
- Use the plan drawing as a guide to draw a good version.
- Make changes that seem appropriate and add lots of detail.

- Before starting to paint drop a brush load of water into each colour to moisten the paint.

- Wet a section of the drawing with clear water.

- Paint into the wet paper with some colour.
- this is the wet on wet technique

- Continue to fill in areas of the picture using wet on wet technique.
- Sprinkle some salt into wet areas.
- Tap the edge of the brush against your finger to splatter small drops of paint.
- Play with the colours and water to get a variety of effects.
- When you are finished set the paper aside to dry.

- Outline the details with a black fine line marker.

- Use your scene as the backdrop for an animated video.
- Check out the Cut-Out Paper Animationlesson plan available on this website.
Language Arts,
Visual Arts,
Media Literacy
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8