- Crayola Twistables Coloured Pencils - 24 Count
- Crayola Fine Line Markers - 12 Count
- Crayola Pointed Tip Metal Scissors
- Crayola Marker & Watercolour Paper - 22.9 cm x 30.5 cm (9" x 12")
- Pencils
- Erasers

- Use the Canadian animal you researched.
- Make 4 thumbnail sketches of possible designs for your emoji.
- Draw a good copy of the face you want to use in a small square about 8 cm x 8 cm.
- Cut out the square.

- Fold the square in half along the vertical line of symmetry of the face.
- Cut out the shape making sure you cut away from the fold.
- Open the shape and use it as a tracer.

- Draw 6 faces on your paper.
- Draw 3 to a row and space them evenly across the page.

- Use a black, fine line marker to draw the features on the tracer that will be the same on every face, for example, the nose.

- Place the tracer under the drawing paper and line it up with a face.
- Trace the features in the same spot on every face.

- Draw a different expression on each face of this rough copy.
- Trace around the finished drawings with a black fine line marker.

- Place your good paper on top of the rough copy.
- Use a pencil to carefully trace each face.

- Use coloured pencils to colour each emoji.
- Blend colours and create contrast so the details stand out.

- Scan each emoji and save it as a .jpg.
- Pretend the animal is you. Write 6 different text messages that show what the emoji means, for example,
- There are so many twigs in the lake at this time of year. I can eat my fill. Did you know that the Algonquian First Nation always called us ‘mus’ because it means twig-eater? I think it’s the perfect name.
- I had a run-in with some tourists today. Had to chase them away from my calf. Who do they think they are?
- I’m sooo tired. Had to get away from a bunch of hunters who were after me. Need to rest.
- I just saw the most handsome bull! Oh I’m so in love!
- I was playing all day with my sweet little calf. So much fun!
- Oh that bull moose has found someone else. How could he? - Insert the emoji .jpg into the text.
Language Arts,
Visual Arts,
Media Literacy
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
Grade 7,
Grade 8