BIRD WATCHING – Colour, Contrast, Detail

Students create a paper sculpture bird using a paper plate, paint and construction paper.

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BIRD WATCHING – Colour, Contrast, Detail


  • Crayola Washable Glue Sticks
  • Crayola Variety Brush Set - 5 Count
  • Crayola Washable No-Run School Glue
  • Crayola Scissors
  • Crayola Project Paint
  • Crayola Construction Paper
  • Paper Plates - 1 per student
  • Small Sponges - 3 cm x 3 cm (1" x 1") - 1 per student
  • Water Containers
  • Paper Towels
  • Hole Punch


Step 1
  1. Fold a paper plate in half.
Step 2
  1. Use a small sponge to paint the paper plate.
  2. Use more than one colour.
  3. Notice how the sponge makes different textures.
Step 3
  1. Choose 2 strips of coloured construction paper for the legs.
  2. Accordion fold the paper to make the legs bouncy.
Step 4
  1. Make a tracer for the feet.
  2. Use the tracer to trace 2 feet on a piece of coloured paper.
Step 5
  1. Cut a space about 1 cm (1/2") around the traced foot. This makes it easier to hold when you are cutting on the line.
  2. Cut out the two feet.
Step 6
  1. Glue feet and legs together.
Step 7
  1. Add other decorations to the bird to show eyes or feathers
  2. Punch a hole in the middle of the folded plate
  3. Add a string.
  4. Hang your bird.
  • Subjects:

    • Language Arts,

    • Science,

    • Visual Arts

  • Grades:

    • Grade 1,

    • Grade 2,

    • Grade 3

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