- Crayola Construction Paper
- Crayola Scissors
- Crayola Glue Stick
- Crayola Crayons
- Crayola Markers
- Photo
- Magnetic Tape
- Pencil
- Cardstock
CIY Staff Tips:

Choose a photo and cut the face out.

Sketch the body on skin tone Construction paper. Cut it out.

Cut out outfits for each grandparent with Crayola Construction paper and design them with Crayola Markers.

Colour the details on the outfit and shoes with Crayola Markers and Crayola Slick Sticks.

Glue the body, outfit and head of the first grandparent to the white cardstock.

Leaving space for the chalkboard between both grandparents, glue completed second grandparent cutout to white cardstock.

Cut a rectangle from a brown Crayola Construction paper sheet, and a smaller rectangle from a black Crayola Construction paper sheet. Glue them together. Glue in-between your grandparents.

Cut out the cardstock paper around the complete scene.

Write your message with a white Crayola Crayon.

Glue a magnet on the back for optional use on fridge.
Grandparents' Day