- Crayola Air Dry Clay
- Crayola Washable Paint
- Crayola Acrylic Paint
- Crayola Paint Brushes
- Wax Paper
- Cookie Cutter
- Water
- Craft Sticks
- Rolling Pin
- Disposable Cups
- Measuring Spoons
- Disposable Plate
CIY Staff Tips:
- Paint and water mixtures should be smooth but not too watery, just loose enough to pour easily from the cup.
- Because the bottom of the dish is decorated with washable paint, we recommend not placing the dish near water. If you’d prefer a more permanent option, use acrylic paint on the bottom of the dish.

On a piece of wax paper, roll out a 1/2” thick, medium-size air dry clay ball.

Use cookie cutter on clay to create the dish shape.

Use your hands to curve the edges slightly upward to complete the dish shape.

Turn upside-down onto wax paper. Dry overnight.

Pour 2–3 acrylic paint colors into disposable cups, 1 color per cup.

Add 1 Tbsp water to the acrylic paint, then mix with craft stick until fully combined.

In a separate cup, pour layers of color on top of one another. Alternate colors until you have used all of the acrylic paint.

Pour some of acrylic paint mixture into dish.

Pick up dish and gently rotate in a circular motion until paint covers the entire dish. Pour any excess paint back into the cup. Dry 1–2 hours.

Flip dish upside-down and add 1–2 coats of washable paint with paint brush. Dry 1–2 hours.

Place rings, earrings, or trinkets into the dish to display!
Grandparents' Day,
Rainy Day Crafts,
Mother's Day